Local producers
Get involved in more sustainable tourism by preparing your own picnics using local, seasonal produce! In the Bassin Auterivain you’ll be spoilt for choice: fruit and vegetables, meat and poultry, plants and herbs, and of course drinks and sweets to delight your taste buds! Buy direct from our producers for a total immersion in the culture and flavours of the South West.
La Brasserie du Séchoir
in Puydaniel
Brewing local beer
Les P’tits laitiers in Auragne
Cow’s milk and homemade ice cream
Le Moulin Cante Caille
Organic cereal production
Le Domaine de Ribonnet
Organic winegrower
Les Poulets du Terrefort
in Gaillac-Toulza
Free-range and organic poultry
in Beaumont-sur-Lèze
Graines d’Autan
in Lagardelle-sur-Lèze
Cereal production
Directory of direct sales outlets and local producers